

阿提库斯·芬奇的话 杀死一只知更鸟 今天依然如此:

“But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal—there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, 这个愚蠢的人与爱因斯坦不相上下, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. 那个机构就是法院.”

The strength of the 乔治亚州律师协会 is the commitment by all of its members to work for the good of the profession and the public. I will work to solidify the involvement of all members of the profession from younger attorneys to seasoned practitioners in Atlanta. The bar should be a useful resource for all of us. In short, you have a voice, and I will listen to you.

I firmly believe that the vitality of the State Bar stems from its unique ability to connect with all attorneys. 同时永远记住我的根, my goals are also focused on promoting a greater sense of unity among attorneys in Atlanta and throughout our state. I will work with the State Bar as a whole to increase opportunities to bring us together. The hallmark of the bar is the commitment to justice regardless of our respective location and practices.

Throughout the years, I have been committed to serving our community. I enjoy volunteering as a coach and evaluator for the High School Mock Trial Program. The legal profession without question extends well beyond the courtroom or the law office. Volunteer work, like the Atlanta Volunteer 律师 Foundation, is an integral part of our profession. I will bring that same level of commitment to the 理事会 (Post 22) because we truly serve the public and justice system.



  • 乔治亚大学.A., 古典文化, 拉丁, and History magna cum laude and with high honors from the Honors Program (2005)
  • 美世大学,沃尔特. 乔治法学院.D. (2008)


  • My wife Tracy and I have a son Michael and daughter Catherine. 我们家住在花园山. 我们喜欢为乔治亚斗牛犬队加油. 去狗!! We are parishioners at Christ the King in Atlanta. 我也喜欢健康和健身, especially the hiking the Chattahoochee River and visiting the national parks with our children. On the personal note, I ran the full Atlanta Marathon prior to the arrival of our daughter.
  • As background, I grew up in Kennesaw and attended the Joseph T. 沃克学校. The Georgia High School Mock Trial Program inspired me to pursue a legal career. My mother was a special education teacher and father worked for the airlines.

Professional Background, Bar Activities, Civic Activities


  • 凯文·帕特里克 Law, LLC, Principal and Founder (2016-Current)
  • 古德曼,麦格菲,林赛 & 约翰逊律师事务所,高级助理(2011-2015)
  • Superior Courts for the Northern District of Georgia, Staff Attorney (2008-2011)
  • 乔治亚州最高法院夏季书记(2007年)


  • 道德 & 专业精神奖(2018)
  • Committee on Professionalism (2018-Current), Writers & Speakers Bureau (2021-Current Subcommittee Co-Chair)
  • 佐治亚律师杂志 编辑委员会(2017-至今)
  • 一般实践 & 审判法律组(2011-至今)
  • 通讯编辑 YLD检讨 (2016-2017)
  • YLD领导学院(2013级)
  • YLD Litigation Committee, Co-Chairperson (2014-2015)
  • YLD/Pro Bono 5K Run (1st Place 2012, 2013, 2014)


  • 亚特兰大律师协会(2011-至今), Board of Directors (2018-Current); and Litigation Section, Board of Directors (2018-Current Chair of Section)
  • 亚特兰大律师俱乐部, Membership Committee (2014-Current) and 教育 Committee (2023-Current Committee Co-Chair)
  • Georgia Trial 律师 Association (2016-Current), 编辑委员会(2017-至今)
  • Georgia Defense 律师 Association, (2011-2015), 教育 Committee 2012-2015)
  • Georgia High School Mock Trial Program, Evaluator & 志愿者(2008 -现在)


  • Georgia Center for Child Advocacy, Volunteer (2015-Current)
  • Atlanta Volunteer Lawyer's Foundation, Volunteer (2014-Current)
  • Cathedral of Christ the King, Pastoral Care Ministries (2016-Current)
  • 沃克学校 Alumni Association Board of Directors and Joseph T. 沃克协会(2008-至今)
  • 乔治亚州青少年足球裁判(2008-2011)


  • 最核心的是, 法律是我们社会的产物, 但是经常, attorneys appear to the general public as being disconnected and operating in a very different sphere from them. 我们的 clients come to us with diverse cultural backgrounds and life experiences. 回到阿提克斯·芬奇的话上来, “You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them,” they should serve as reminder to us as attorneys to engage actively in our community. Community service projects and other volunteer activities should not be seen as a distraction from work and, 当然, 小时计费的, 而是补充我们的实践. 作为理事会的一员, I will strive to reinforce the importance of a commitment to our community, which makes us more valuable to our respective clients by truly helping us recognize and understand their unique situations and, 最重要, 成为更大利益的一部分.