

I am honored to announce my c和idacy for reelection to the 乔治亚州律师协会 理事会. Over the past decade, I have had the privilege of serving on the Board. I am eager to continue contributing to our shared mission of fostering the highest st和ards of professionalism 和 advocating for the fair access to justice.

在我进入理事会之前, I had the distinct honor of chairing the Intellectual Property (IP) 法律 Section of the State Bar. 在这个角色中, I worked diligently to promote the underst和ing 和 development of intellectual property law, to provide a forum for members to share their expertise 和 insights with Georgians, 并倡导无偿服务.

In addition to my service on the Board 和 the IP Section, I have also been deeply involved with the Access to Justice Committee. 这个委员会的工作是我最关心的, as it focuses on providing pro bono legal services to underserved citizens throughout Georgia. I firmly believe that access to justice is a fundamental right, 和 I am dedicated to ensuring that this right is upheld for all Georgians, 不管他们的社会经济地位如何.

如果再次当选, 我保证以同样的热情继续我的工作, 奉献, 和 commitment that I have demonstrated over the past decade. I will strive to uphold the integrity of our profession, 倡导会员的权利, 和 to serve the citizens of Georgia with the utmost respect 和 奉献. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve, 和 I humbly ask for your vote in the upcoming election. 在一起, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of our fellow Georgians 和 uphold the highest st和ards of our profession.



  • 戴维森学院,历史学学士
  • 范德比尔特大学法学院法学博士


  • 1992年与Virginia (Ginny) Dunaway Hobbs结婚.
  • Children: Evelyn (27, Bank of America), Ted (26, Gwinnett Fire & Emergency Services) 和 Virginia (22, Boston College ’24)

Professional Background, Bar Activities, Civic Activities

  • Troutman Pepper亚特兰大办事处合伙人
  • 钱伯斯美国:知识产权,乔治亚州
  • Best 律师 in America®: Copyright 法律, Litigation—Intellectual Property, Trademark 法律
  • 法律 & 政治亚特兰大杂志: 知识产权法中的“超级律师”
  • 世界商标评论: WTR 1000
  • Best 律师 in America®: “法律yer of the Year” in Trademark 法律 (2019)
  • Best 律师 in America®: “法律yer of the Year” in Copyright 法律 (2014)
  • 管理知识产权:IP之星
  • 乔治亚州艺术律师协会:Robert C. 低级艺术奖
  • 亚特兰大知识产权法院:无偿服务奖
  • Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism: Justice Robert Benham Award for Community Service
  • Georgia State University College of 法律: Intellectual Property Community Service Award
  • 乔治亚州律师协会,理事会
  • 乔治亚州律师协会,司法公正委员会
  • Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism, Benham Award Selection Committee
  • Past Trademark Chair 和 Past Section Chair, Intellectual Property 法律 Section, 乔治亚州律师协会
  • Gateway中心,董事会
  • 亚特兰大儿童博物馆,顾问委员会
  • Agape社区中心,顾问委员会
  • 格鲁吉亚知识产权联盟秘书长
  • United States Intellectual Property Alliance, Secretary
  • 亚特兰大知识产权律师事务所,律师
  • 领导亚特兰大, 亚洲最大娱乐平台(2018 - 2019), 校董会执行委员会(2016-至今), 班级成员(2008)
  • Trinity Presbyterian Church, Elder 和 Member of Session


  • 作为强制性的, the 乔治亚州律师协会 must take seriously the need to focus its activities 和 communication to Bar members so that it remains a valued institution in the life 和 legal profession of lawyers in Georgia. 没有相关性, the 乔治亚州律师协会 runs the risk of a legal challenge to its current structure, 和 the potential for reorganization along the lines of the California model in which the m和atory bar retained only its regulatory functions 和 a new voluntary bar was formed to carry out all other functions. This would result in a significant erosion of the professionalism of the Bar in Georgia. Personal relationships lie at the heart of the work that lawyers do. Even in the face of vast technological advances, the human dimension remains constant. The 乔治亚州律师协会 plays a critical role in nurturing 和 maintaining those relationships, 和 we do that by remaining committed to being more than a mere regulatory body.
  • Addressing the access to justice 和 legal counsel by citizens of the State of Georgia remains one of the most critical issues facing the Bar. Living in this State requires an ever-increasing ability to underst和 和 live with legal issues. Family law, healthcare, Social Security, l和lord-tenant, veterans affairs, probate. 这样的清单实际上是无穷无尽的. Yet many citizens have no access to lawyers who can help them navigate these issues, which is a fundamentally a problem of equity 和 justice. 超过50人,000个成员, the 乔治亚州律师协会 needs to remain committed to harnessing the time, expertise 和 commitment to the professionalism of those members to provide innovative programs, 方便我们的会员志愿服务, 和 recognition for their efforts so that the legal needs of Georgia’s citizens are met.
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